And So My Glamping Start-Up Journey Begins
Let’s learn to fly together
I have full confidence that I can create an amazing, successful glamping business. I’m at the point where I’m ready to take the leap and figure out how to fly on my way down.
The only things is: I do not own property and I do not have any money for a down payment on a property.
In the meantime …
So, while I save up and get to a better place financially, I’ve decided to do my research - to explore every aspect of the glamping industry to a ‘T’ and share those findings as I go along.
I can fully appreciate the challenges that come with starting a business, and further understand that the barrier to entry in glamping is much, much higher than other industries. The two major components of that barrier are land & capital.
You know what doesn’t have a high barrier to entry? Creating a website and starting a blog. So that’s what I’m going to do.
Join me on my journey
As I continue to navigate my glamping start-up process, I plan on documenting my experiences. As I educate myself, I will share what I’ve learned, my opinions, and my take-away action items.
I would’ve loved to have a resource like this starting out, so my plan is to create it for you, my fellow glamping entrepreneur. Follow me on my journey and let’s see where it takes us!
This feels very familiar
Working as an animal welfare specialist in my previous life, I am well versed in creating SOPs, self-help guides, and record and document templates for farmers and ranchers.
I know how to do the research, tease out the important take-aways, and present it in an easily digestible format. Given my background, I have the tools and skills to expand this work style into the glamping industry.
But Gabbi, you don’t own a glamping business. Why should we listen to you?
In high school, my AP English class was given an assignment to write a report on a book that we’ve never read using only secondary sources. In fact, we were instructed to not even open the book. Rather, our reports would be based on researching what others had to say about it.
So to this day, I’ve never read Robinson Crusoe, but yet I still know all about his man Friday and how the story is a perfect metaphor for colonization and all the injustices and native oppression associated with it. As I think back on it, I probably remember more about Robinson Crusoe than I do about A Tale of Two Cities, The Scarlet Letter, Jane Eyre, or any other book I read in that class.
I intend to approach MyGlampingPlan in the same way. My collection of resources will be complied based on my own research and interviews with glamping business.
So the simple answer is: follow along and decide for yourself if I’m worth listening to 😊
Here we gooooooo!
With that, let’s dive in and see where this take us! Cheers!